One of the HUGE projects that Greg implemented required him to work all weekend. The boys and I were invited to travel to the town of Holambra, less than 2 hours away, and explore Noeland.
As we entered the town, there was this huge, beautiful windmill. All I could think was that I wish Greg was here so I could take photos, but unfortunately, I was driving. Therefore, as I told Greg, we MUST go back!
Holambra obtained its name by combining the first parts of the countries Holand, America and Brasil.
The location of Noeland is in the same place that they have the Expoflora, the huge flower and plant event. People talk about this and have encouraged us to go back during this time!
We parked our cars and headed to the entrance, where we were greeted by an incredibly large Santa!
These beautiful trees were in multiple places around the park. The ornaments were as tall as Alden!!
The buildings were beautifully made and maintained.

The boys and their friends enjoyed climbing all over the different play areas.
Inside of one of the buildings was the most meticulous display of Christmas decorations I have ever seen. The boys enjoyed looking at all the different items.
This gingerbread display was my favorite!
Cute boys posing in different areas, but they refused to visit Santa. They said they didn't know how to talk to him!!
We were all hot and hungry after our exploration so we went on a hunt for a snack. We found some dairy free Popsicles! Of course, it is still hard to believe that it is almost Christmas when we are wearing shorts, putting on sunscreen and eating Popsicles!
Alden and his new friend! I just loved this picture. They were having a cute conversation about what they saw.
Parade time!
Look who is waving! Guess who he saw!
After the parade, there was an announcement that it was going to snow! Of course we had to check that out. The boys had a blast!
On the way home, we stopped by to see daddy at work. He was done! We were excited he was able to come home with us. A great end to a wonderful day!