

Sunday, April 8, 2018


These boys could spend hours fishing! They do not even become frustrated when they go hours without catching anything. They are creative and try to come up with other ways to entertain themselves. 

The lake at our condominium has some pretty decent sized fish. It still amazes me at the questions we get. YOU know how to fish? Wait, you will touch that? Just makes me giggle each time. Yes, I am a girl who loves to get her hands dirty, who can bait a hook, who can fix a reel, and can fillet a fish. Thanks to an amazing dad/Papaw!

Every time we walk down there, something new is blooming!

Alden examining something new.

Zane, did not catch any fish, but brought in some clams! The first time we were surprised. The second time, we giggled. From then on, absolute shock and amazement. Zane continued to catch clam after clam on his rooster tail!

They have their normal boy moments, but it is moments like these that make me smile. The quietness and stillness of it all. 

The very peaceful, moments that they enjoy each other. That they enjoy their environment. 

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