We were invited to head to the beach again with some friends. On a Friday, we loaded the car, picked up daddy from work, and headed toward the beach. Google estimated 4 hours. We did not think this was realistic as we were having to drive through the city of Sao Paulo. Boys were excited to snuggle up and watch some movies.
We hit traffic VERY early. I have never seen so many vehicles! 12+ lanes all stopped.
We were in traffic for so long, and it was dark because it began to rain, that the boys fell asleep around 6:30!
We arrived in the town after midnight! Figured out how to park the cars, made the beds, and fell asleep fast! When we awoke, we had breakfast and headed to the beach.
Ubatuba (which is just fun to say!), is a city located on the southeast coast of Brasil, but in the northern part of the state of Sao Paulo. The city lies on the Tropic of Capricorn! Here, you will find over 80 different beaches and it is known as the 'surfing capital' of the state.

Obviously, we did not have time to explore all the beaches, but we enjoyed two amazing ones. Beach number one was called, Toninhas Beach, meaning Porpoises. We were excited to explore this new area of Brasil. Can you tell from their faces???
Alden felt super cool as he was carried on the cooler 'throne' from the car to the beach.
With mountains on three sides of us, blue sky and blue water, this was a pristine beach. There was so much room to run and play. The water was shallow for many feet out. The waves came in all sizes and provided so much entertainment for the boys!
Stepping into the water, we realized we were stepping on something. Every time you reached down, you could come up with one or two LIVE sand dollars. Zane found them very interesting and had to spend time studying, researching and examining the creature.
We saw many kids on boogie boards and asked the boys if they would like to try. They said yes! We rented two boards and off they went! It took them a while to figure it out, but then the were getting really good, and a little gutsy.
Claudio posing with the boys (they adore him!)
The four adults enjoying some beverages and snacks. TVH product placement here. :)
In the afternoon, the sky clouded up, the tide came in and the rain began to fall. We went back to the house to shower and change and go into one of the towns. Greg snapped a few photos of the house while we were there. Three bedrooms, two baths, pool and guest house. It was perfect for our group.
Parking was interesting. Getting in the gate and angling the cars at just the right angle so the other could get in! Parking on the street was not an option.
We found a cute town with many restaurants and an aquarium.
These baby jellyfish are so cute! I was memorized!
The touch tank was fun, eventually. I seem to have extremely cautious and fearful children (and husband). After modeling the appropriate way to touch, describing exactly what it felt like, touching every animal in the tank for them, they finally became a little braver. Sea urchins, starfish, sting rays and cucumbers were all in the tank.
Then we stopped for a little snack - brownies and ice cream for the boys, pastels for the adults.
Sunday, we woke to the hot sun and headed to the second beach called Praia Grande, Big Beach. It was just as beautiful, but much bigger. And while it was less than a mile away, there were no sand dollars here!
Since the boys had so much fun on their boogie boards the previous day, instead of renting, we bought them their own! They were so excited!
This beach had an lagoonish area that we had to explore.
Alden exploring writing in the sand.
Playing with mommy, building motes and digging holes.
We headed back to the house around noon, as the clouds began to roll in. We cleaned, packed up and drove for about an hour before stopping for lunch. This was a typical Brazilian restaurant and provided many things to entertain our exhausted, and a little cranky, boys.
As we drove back through the mountains, we were enthralled by the natural beauty of this place. One minute, we were in rich, deep jungle, then it opened up into farm land, then the mountains changed again into rocky terrain. We giggled while driving through a rather twisty part of some mountains because every time we approached a curve, we saw hubcap after hubcap. I tried to catch a few in a picture. We saw hundreds of them!
Once again, the clouds claimed the mountains. This time so thick, we could barely see in front of us at some points.
The boys enjoying the ride home. I am not sure what happened to Z's clothes, but at some point he stripped! They are getting used to being only in their underwear due to the temperature! Alden, at one point, felt it was so bright he needed TWO pairs of sunglasses on!
Wow, the beaches are so deep, so much sand to play in!!!