

Sunday, September 24, 2017

I am THAT parent

For years I have had the pleasure of working at an ELL school. A school in which students came from all over the world (though a large portion from Mexico), with little to no English, and attended our school. Students such as these are known as English Language Learners. 

As a teacher, I had tons of strategies to assist students. I worked with an extremely supportive and educated staff that would provide language services to these students in a variety of ways. I even went back to school to obtain my ESOL (English as a Second Language) certification. I loved the clientele of my school!

But every year, without fail, I would be faced with disappointed. I would see a student struggling with the language, falling farther behind, becoming isolated, struggling with grades, among other things, and we, as a school team, would meet with the parents and come up with a plan. We would discuss what was needed and what would be helpful to guide this student on the most successful path. And do you know what the parent would do? Take the student out of school for a lengthy amount of time to travel back 'home'. 

As a teacher, this was devastating. All the hard work that we had put in, all the effort, the time, the patience, the training. All of it would be hindered by this parent's decision. This student would be going back to their native country, speaking their native language and not practicing all that we needed them to practice. 

Do you see where I am going with this?

Yep. I am THAT parent. 

I realized this as we booked our flight back home for the holidays. I am THAT parent. 

The word "THAT" has a negative connotation.

I will be taking my kiddos back HOME as often as I can and for as long as I can! Am I doing it to hinder their progress?  Of course not. 

We know that children learn best from their families. We tell you this all the time. Read to your child every night. Make all experiences learning experiences. Take the time to ask your children questions. We know this as parents. 

And through all my education, I know all about the stages of language acquisition. 
  1. The Silent Period
  2. The Early Production Period
  3. The Speech Emergence Period
  4. The Intermediate Production Period
  5. The Advanced Production Period
Yes, I know that the Silent Period is often the most ignored or forgotten by teachers. Yes, I understand that my children are still in that stage. Yes, I understand that venturing home for a month or two each year will not help them in their progression of language. 
But I am going to do it anyway. Because, the memories created with family make it all worth it. My children are smart, inquisitive, and happy. 
They will be OK. 
They will be OK because we will show them it is OK. We will talk to them about how hard it will be (just like we did when we planned to move). We will practice with them while we are gone. We will give them chances to 'show what they have learned' to others. We will do our best while surrounded by those we love and miss. 
Being on the other side of that line is completely different. Seeing how much your babies miss their family makes school just not that important. (Yes, I did just say that!) Knowing the memories they are going to be making with their cousins, the moments that they will have with their great-grandparents, the hugs and kisses from grandparents and aunts and uncles. In those moments, who is thinking about school!?

So, I apologize to all the parents whose motives I have questioned in my teacher mind. I am sorry that I judged you and felt that you were not putting your child first. In fact, you always were. I see that now. Please forgive my silent judgement. Please forgive my complaints to coworkers. Please forgive me. 

As I follow in your footsteps, know that you were a great inspiration, even if I did not realize it at the time. 

I will continue to be "THAT" parent and super proud of it!


  1. Replies
    1. Always!! You know it! Just actually have time to put down the thoughts that run through my mind! Of course - everyone at WV was on my mind with this one!

  2. I echo what Angie says. Plus, we know you, and we know you'll keep learning going! And, selfishly, I hope we can see you too!

    1. Thanks for the support and encouragement! We will definitely get together if you are able!
