

Monday, September 25, 2017

Walk-In Kindergarten

So every few months each grade level has a walk-in at the beginning of the day. Parents are able to walk with their child to their classroom and spend 20-30 minutes listening to all they have to share!

Alden had his a few weeks ago. He was so very excited to show us what all he had been doing. I think he told us 50 times to not forget in the days leading up to it.

Here Alden is showing us his portfolio. He had examples of writing, drawing, and science in his folder. 

He is showing us some of his writing and creations. Being a Native English speaker, he is one that can write in English. In his Portuguese class, it is a different story!

The teacher had set up a camera hooked to the TV/projector. The students went to this station and studied their facial features. What did their eyes, mouth, eyebrows look like when they make different faces. They recreated their faces using different materials and then they were encouraged to describe what they made. 

Here, Alden is showing us the dino exhibit. They learned all about dinosaurs and where able to create their own. 

Close up of the Aldenosaurus!

The dinosaur town they created for their dinos. It had a forest and a volcano. 

Showing off his daily writing journal. It is really fun to see those sounds coming together and his phonetic writing!

Here his is reading. You can tell he is frustrated when he makes a mistake, but it is OK, we just fix it!

I love all that Alden has to share everyday. He really loves his time at school and his teachers and has learned so much in both languages! I look forward to all that he will teach us in the next few years!


  1. Way to go, Alden! Thanks for sharing. I wonder if we could include this practice in our redesign. It sounds like a positive, exciting, and informative experience for students and families!

  2. Wow! He had reason to not want Mom and Dad to forget to comešŸ˜Š. Great!

  3. Awesome job Alden! Loved seeing inside his kindergarten classroom. He is already such a great little writer and reader.
